We work with qualified, professionally competent chemical engineers and we have solutions for the decontamination of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
We have experience with the latest technologies in the field of decontamination and we easily adapt to work situations both in the field and in the laboratory.
Proven experience in complex laboratory analyzes and innovative solutions to reduce the impact on the environment (water, soil, air, and toxic waste).
Analiza aerului ocupa un loc in important in cadrul analizelor de mediu deoarece afectează direct si indirect sănătatea
Analiza apei fizico-chimice pentru a determina gradul de poluare, PH, cianuri totale, sulfuri si hidrogen sulfurat, sulfați etc.
Analiza solului este importantă pentru a putea determina gradul de nutrienţi pentru culturi sau pentru a determina gradul de contaminare.
Proven experience in complex laboratory analyzes and solutions
innovative to reduce the impact on the environment.